Supporting your patients
in their time of need

A cancer diagnosis is life changing.

Our patient advocates ensure your patients and their families are prepared and supported during every step of their cancer journey.

Broaden your reach with MyCanerJourney

Partner with MyCancerJourney and provide personalized advocacy to each of your cancer patients. Ensure your patients get the holistic support they crave, at no cost to them, through a MyCancerJourney introduction.

Our advocates are there for your patients every step of the way.

We guide your patients through this intensely personal journey, and give them a voice in choosing treatment options personalized to them, their goals, and their quality of life interests.

Truly Personalized Patient-Centered Care

MyCancerJourney is the only solution that combines navigation with data about:

People Like You

Data pulled from people the same age, sex, race/ethnicity, and health status, with the same cancer

Treatment Options

The exploration of treatment options in context of your patient's goals and preferences


Patient comorbidity (other health issues), a critical variable for many cancer types


Isolated outcomes for different treatment modalities (surgery, chemo, radiation, etc.), combinations, and no-treatment

MyCancerJourney Fosters:

Optimized Treatment Choices

We guide your patients through this intensely personal journey, and give them a voice in choosing treatment options personalized to them, their goals, and their quality of life interests. MyCancerJourney patient advocates share the effect of treatment options for people with the same age, sex, race/ethnicity, and health status, and diagnosis. They will also review quality of life considerations related to treatments.

Increased Patient Satisfaction

Patients who use MyCancerJourney better understand their prognosis, have more realistic expectations, are less likely to make suboptimal treatment decisions, and report higher satisfaction with their care.

Reduced Treatment Costs

Cancer is the most expensive diagnosis in healthcare, and treatment costs are projected to increase at double-digit rates in the coming years. Multiple studies have shown about half of cancer treatments do not result in the expected benefit. When your patients are more informed about their treatment options, they make smarter decisions. Patient satisfaction goes up. Healthcare costs go down.

Health Equity

Oncologist treatment plans are based on clinical trials whose participants are younger, healthier and less diverse than the general population; which often translate to inequitable treatment plans. MyCancerJourney solves for this by pulling data from others the same age, race, sex, and with the same health issues as the patient. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for MyCancerJourney?

MyCancerJourney is available to any adult (18 years or older) diagnosed with cancer.

How does MyCancerJourney work?

Once a meeting is requested with a MyCancerJourney patient advocate, your patient will be contacted to schedule a free introductory call. The advocate will collect some health information, help your patient understand his or her diagnosis, explain the MyCancerJourney services, and determine eligibility.

Once fully enrolled, your patient’s dedicated advocate will  share the effect of treatment options for other people like you; meaning people your age, sex, race/ethnicity, and health status, with the same cancer. They will discuss quality of life considerations related to treatments, and help you prepare for conversations with your care team. Your patient’s relationship with their advocate will continue throughout their cancer journey.  

What it does:

  • Provides information about treatment outcomes of similar patients 
  • Facilitates shared decision-making discussions including the tradeoffs of potential treatment options 

What it does not do:

  • Tell health providers how to practice medicine
  • Substitute clinical judgment tailored to individual patients
  • Replace clinical practice guidelines or provide clinical recommendations
Where does the data come from?

Estimates are derived from over 2-million cases from 500 hospitals and cancer treatment centers, ambulatory surgery centers, clinical laboratories, as well as physician and other outpatient offices.  Collection and reporting standards are in accordance with the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR); Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI); and the American College of Surgeons (ACoS).

Do the estimates pull from clinical trial information?

No. Because treatment trials limited by recruitment, typically exclude patients with comorbidity and fail to differentiate populations based on gender, age and race their outcomes.

Do the survival estimates reflect the outcomes of new treatments?

Survival estimates are based on observed outcomes for cancer patients from 2014-2018. Thus, the survival estimates are based on data including all treatments used during this time period, and the relative frequency of a given treatment for a given tumor type. However, the survival estimates may not reflect the full impact of treatments developed later in that time period, or not widely used until later in that period.

View the complete list of FAQs here.

Become a Partner

Give your patients the support they deserve. Partner with MyCancerJourney today.
901 S. Mopac Expy.
Bldg. 1, Ste. 300
Austin, TX 78746
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